In the year 2025 of the unstable War-Verse, people must make a difficult choice. either fall in line "for the good of humanity," or fight.
2012 did not mark the end of the world. it marked the day of complete social and governmental collapse. stock market crash, civil unrest, and a government that felt it necessary, to shutdown. for what seemed to be for good...
2016 marked the year of the New Order. A new Dictatorship arose, bringing with them a swath of new weaponry, troops, and the very real END of freedom. This new power, known only as the Titan New Order, brought on a lockdown on all freedoms of individuals. Risking the safety of the future was not worth it...
State rights and Governments were abolished, erased, done away. And cities bounds were simplified. one central city. remaining outside cities/counties are DeadZones. Cut off. Left for dead.
Fast Forward: the year is 2025. this New Order is still in its infancy, resistance is heavy. Civil War is the constant. Between TEC Agents and Rebel groups. Given the situation. some stood up to serve as saviors, heroes for the people left behind in the DeadZones. The RoadRunners.
RoadRunners drive fast cars, trucks, anything they can into Silver City to steal water, food, supplies, powercores, guns,. Anything they can to help people living in the DeadZones.
Unfortunately, the RoadRunners need a little extra muscle on these supply runs. someone to shoot their way through the enemy, while the RoadRunners load up the stolen goods...
Enter, The InFamous Ones. a group of gunslingers, hardened revolutionists with one common goal. Freedom. By any means necessary. These Gunslingers are hired guns. Their pay? A cut of the supplies. Food, Water, And PowerCores for their blasters..
This is the Aftermath...
2012 did not mark the end of the world. it marked the day of complete social and governmental collapse. stock market crash, civil unrest, and a government that felt it necessary, to shutdown. for what seemed to be for good...
2016 marked the year of the New Order. A new Dictatorship arose, bringing with them a swath of new weaponry, troops, and the very real END of freedom. This new power, known only as the Titan New Order, brought on a lockdown on all freedoms of individuals. Risking the safety of the future was not worth it...
State rights and Governments were abolished, erased, done away. And cities bounds were simplified. one central city. remaining outside cities/counties are DeadZones. Cut off. Left for dead.
Fast Forward: the year is 2025. this New Order is still in its infancy, resistance is heavy. Civil War is the constant. Between TEC Agents and Rebel groups. Given the situation. some stood up to serve as saviors, heroes for the people left behind in the DeadZones. The RoadRunners.
RoadRunners drive fast cars, trucks, anything they can into Silver City to steal water, food, supplies, powercores, guns,. Anything they can to help people living in the DeadZones.
Unfortunately, the RoadRunners need a little extra muscle on these supply runs. someone to shoot their way through the enemy, while the RoadRunners load up the stolen goods...
Enter, The InFamous Ones. a group of gunslingers, hardened revolutionists with one common goal. Freedom. By any means necessary. These Gunslingers are hired guns. Their pay? A cut of the supplies. Food, Water, And PowerCores for their blasters..
This is the Aftermath...